Friday, August 19, 2005


Oh my, what a voice. If that is a voice, could be the dog on the cover of the cd singing.

Frankie Stubbs' voice may take a minute to grow used to. Let's say it has "character" and leave it at that.

Leatherface is one of a handful of punk bands who continually put out albums better than their previous. If you're interested in this old-school runnysauce (I could never spell Renaissance in art history, so all my notes say runnysauce) be sure to also check out the latest from T.S.O.L., Bad Religion, Mission of Burma and Killing Joke.

But back to Leatherface, they are sometimes referred to as Oi! or street punk, but I feel they, like the best of the punk bands, are just a great band who play energized and meaningful music. This song is one of my favorites from their latest album since it deals with Frankie hanging out with his toddler. Any song with a line as good as "the Bear in the Big Blue House consumes me" is fine in my book. If you've got kids, you've been there.

This is Diddly Squat by Leatherface from the 2004 album Dog Disco.

The Song
Diddly Squat (5.3MB MP3)

The Site
Official band site (caution, it's hideous!)

The Album
Dog Disco

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